The Department of Transportation and Public Works established the Masakh’iSizwe Scholarship Program in 2006. It partnered with higher education institutions (HEIs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and relevant professional bodies to develop professionals in the fields of engineering and the environment built by Offer scholarships to study towards a higher degree or diploma in the following disciplines:

Property studies
Transport economics
Transportation Engineering
Electrical and / or electronic engineering
Civil Engineering
Construction management
Mechanical Engineering
Quantity surveyed
Urbanism / Urbanism and territorial planning
Architecture, etc.

The Masakh’iSizwe scholarship program:

It prioritizes financially disadvantaged students when awarding scholarships, especially women, students with disabilities, and students from rural communities.
Provides support service programs.
Ensures learning opportunities for Masakh’iSizwe treasurers (ie interns).
Secure employment opportunities for graduates.

Physical: 23rd floor, 9 Riebeeck Street, Atterbury House, Cape Town, 8001
Postal: Private Bag X9185, Cape Town, 8000


For more information contact:
Lazola Mtongana
Stakeholder relations
Tel: 021 483 9545/0964
Twitter: @WCGovTPW

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