CLOSING DATE : 29 July 2022, Time: 16h00
Location: All provinces
The Department of Water and Sanitation invites unemployed South African graduates who are between the ages of 18-35 to apply for the 2022 / 24 Internship Programme. Graduates must be in possession of a National Diploma from a University of Technology or a Degree from a University. Candidates that have successfully completed all theoretical studies and are in need of experiential training portion of their studies in order to obtain their qualification are invited to apply. The Department is an equal opportunity employer. It is our intention to promote representivity (race, gender, and disability). The persons living with disability are therefore encouraged to apply.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a Z83 form obtainable from any Public Service Department and must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV / Resume. Other related documentation such as certified copies of ID documents, qualifications (Grade 12 certificate and tertiary qualification or recent academic records) etc. need not to accompany the application when applying for internship as such documentation must only be produced by shortlisted candidates during the interview date. Only applicants who have NOT previously served as Interns in the Public Service, will be considered. Correspondence will be limited to successful candidates only and applications received after the closing date or faxed or emailed, will not be considered.
REF NO: 290701 / 09 [x2]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Head Office Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Labour Relations.
ENQUIRIES : Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Head Office (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 10 [x4]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Roodeplaat Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Public Administration / Office Management & Technology / Food Technology / Food Services Management and Hospitality / Catering Services.
ENQUIRIES: Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Roodeplaat (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 11 [x5]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Head Office Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Human Resource Development.
ENQUIRIES: Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Head Office (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 66 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 12 [x3]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Head Office Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Human Resource Management.
ENQUIRIES: Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Head Office (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 13 [x2]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Head Office Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Human Resource Development / Management of Training / Public Administration.
ENQUIRIES: Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Head Office (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 14 [x3]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Head Office Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Information Technology or relevant study field.
ENQUIRIES: Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Head Office (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 15 [x4] STIPEND : R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Head Office Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Finance / Accounting.
ENQUIRIES: Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Head Office (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 16 [x4]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Head Office Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: LLB Degree / BCom Law or equivalent Degree in Law. 67
ENQUIRIES : Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Head Office (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 17 [x2]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Head Office Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Logistics / Supply Chain Management / Asset Management.
ENQUIRIES: Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Head Office (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 18 [x5]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Head Office Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Internal Audit.
ENQUIRIES: Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Head Office (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 19 [x5]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Head Office Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Public Policy / Development Studies / Political Sciences / Environmental Science.
ENQUIRIES: Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Head Office (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 20 [x4] STIPEND : R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Head Office Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Economics / Business Management / Business Administration / Public Management / Governance Finance.
ENQUIRIES: Recruitment and Selection Unit Tel No: Ms Tau 012 336 7468 or Ms Kupa Tel No: 012 336 8229 or Ms Bapela Tel No: 012 336 8980
APPLICATIONS: Head Office (Pretoria): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 21 [x4] STIPEND : R74 099 per annum 68
CENTRE: Gauteng Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in HRM / Finance / Information Technology / Communication / HRD / Labour Relations.
ENQUIRIES: Mr. P.S Nevhorwa Tel No: 012 392 1324
APPLICATIONS: Gauteng (Pretoria): Please forward your application quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X995, Pretoria, 0001 or Hand delivered at 285 Francis Baard Street, Bothongo Plaza East Building, 15th Floor, Pretoria. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 22 [x9] STIPEND : R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Information Technology / HRM / Finance / HRD / Public Administration / Labour Relations / Communication / Monitoring and Evaluation.
ENQUIRIES: Mr. M.P Makgakga, Tel No: 015 290 1386
APPLICATIONS: Limpopo (Polokwane): Please forward your application quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X9506, Polokwane, 0700 or Hand Deliver to Azmo Place Building Department of Water and Sanitation, 49 Joubert Street, Corner of Thabo Mbeki &Joubert Streets, Azmo Place Building (Registry Office 4rth floor) NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 23 [x9] STIPEND : R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Information Technology / Finance / Public Administration / Law / Communications / Supply Chain Management / Human Resources Management.
ENQUIRIES: Ms F Mkhwanazi Tel No: 013 759 7515
APPLICATIONS: Mpumalanga (Mbombela): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X11259 Mbombela, 1200 or hand deliver at Prorom Building, Corner of Brown and Paul Kruger Streets, Mbombela. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 24 [x2] STIPEND : R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Bloemfontein
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Financial Management / Internal Audit / Forensic Auditing / Risk Management / Accounting.
ENQUIRIES: Ms L Wymers Tel No: 051 405 9000
APPLICATIONS: Free State (Bloemfontein): Please forward your application quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X528 Bloemfontein. 9300 or hand deliver at 2nd floor, Bloem Plaza, Corner of East burger and Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein, 9300. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 25 [x9]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Durban
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Information Technology / Financial Management / Supply Chain Management / Human Resource Management / Public Management / Administration.
ENQUIRES: Ms S Mbongwa Tel No: 031 336 2700
APPLICATIONS: Kwa-Zulu Natal (Durban): Please forward your application quoting the reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, P O Box 54304, Durban, 4000 or hand deliver to 88 Joe Slovo Street, Southern Life Building, 9th Floor, Durban. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 26 [x9]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: King William’s Town
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Human Resources Management / Finance / Information Technology / Law / Public Administration / Supply Chain Management / Communications.
ENQUIRIES: Mr MP Zenzile Tel No. 043 604 5528
APPLICATIONS: Eastern Cape (King Williams Town): Please forward your application quoting the relevant reference number to The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X7485, King William’s Town, 5600 or hand deliver at No.2 Hargreaves Avenue, King Williams Town. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 27 [x9]
STIPEND: R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Bellville
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Information Technology / Human Resources Management / Supply Chain Management / Communication / Public Administration / Finance.
ENQUIRES: Mr. B. Saki Tel No: 021 941 6018
APPLICATIONS: Western Cape (Bellville): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X16, Sanlamhof, 7532 or hand deliver to Sigma Building, 3 Blackenberg Road, Bellville. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.
REF NO: 290701 / 28 [x6] STIPEND : R74 099 per annum
CENTRE: Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS: Study Field: National Diploma or Degree in Information Technology / Human Resources Management / Supply Chain Management / Communication / Public Administration / Finance.
ENQUIRES: Mr. MJ Ntwe at 082 657 4685
APPLICATIONS: North-West (Mmabatho): Please forward your applications quoting the relevant reference number to: The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X5, Mmabatho 2735 or hand deliver to Mega City Shopping Centre, Corner Dr.James Moroka Drive and Sekame Road, Unit 99 Ground Floor. NOTE : One post will be earmarked for a person with a disability.